The Innocence Abroad

... observations of the International

Friday, March 31, 2006

Some interesting Pics from Bavaria. A little town called Lauingen...

So this is Lauingen. I went here to attend a seminar sponsored by InWent called Agenda 21: Global Denken, Lokal Handeln. It basically showed how even a small town can take part in creating a better world. It was truly enlightening I must say. I was impressed how the town took recycling and made it a big part of the local economy. We toured three businesses that used recycling to become sucessful and in one case, a world class enterprise. So let's tour the city a little...

Here is a view from the tower in Lauingen.... The one ironic thing from the weekend was, as you will notice if you look in the upper right hand corner of the pic, is the nuclear power plant. Now I haven't seen any smoke stacks or anything like that, only windmills, until this event.... funny considering all the other enviro-friendly-stuff I saw...

Here are some of the participants, most were from Syria and Yemen, all really nice people! The mayor of the town with the strongest Bavarian accent I've ever heard is on the right. He's pretty impressive guy for what he's done here.

This is the Danube river. Launingen is just a little east of Ulm which is on the border between Bavaria and Baden-Wurtemburg...

The Rathaus... pretty nice one too

This is a mosque, the only one of its kind in Germany, and it is in a town of about 11,000 people. The credit goes to the mayor of the town who in the face of large opposition allowed the Turkish minority to have a place of there own. Global Denken, Lokal Handeln... I actually got to go inside and exprience my first actual Islamic service. Very very nice. The place was basically a community center as well, with a basement that had a barber shop, a pool table and internet.

"Industiral Bloom" call this. The massive amount of junk being recycled here was quite impressive I just had to take photos...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Okay Not Hurt, not dead, and not missing somewhere in eastern europe

It's been a long time since I last posted, but that doesn't mean anything is wrong (unless you count limited access to internet a problem...), in fact everything has been really taking off for the last few months, I've done so much it is almost hard to write it all down. So basically I will give a short list of everything and then go on to post them later on when I have some time.

Work: Things can go really slow and then really fast with the SPD. Lately it has been doing well. The Volksbegehren- the project that I am helping them with is finally starting. Time to stick it to the conservatives in the Landtag in Thüringen!

Life: So much so much... Since you last heard from me I have made another trip to Berlin (unfortunately I didn't charge up my battery for myc camera and couldn't take any pics... Don't ask..) It was snowing worse than when I was there for the new year! I have to be in this town when the weather was actually good, because I had a great time. The next weekend I went to a small town in Bayern called Lauingen for a seminar called Agenda 21: Global Thinking and Local Handling, well something like that. It was sponsored by InWent and so was all in German. No bad. I got fed really good and enjoyed the company of many Syrians and Yemenese. Such nice people. Anyway I will have pics ASAP from the that. Great time.
This past week I bought I new bike! Well it is a used bike, but new to me nonetheless. I am now almost German, I just need to start thinking more often in German.
I also started doing physical therapy for the 'ol Knee and I think it is going well. Basically I am trying to build up the muscle in my Right leg, it is definitely become weaker as my left. I also get some electrical therapy for the knee as well. Good stuff, and useful before i start some kraftraining on my own at the University...

Learning: Everyday is something new to learn, what are you talking about? Too much to even begin. Well, I swear more is to come, just hang in there. Bis Später!