More from Cologne
More scenes from Cologne...
This is from the top of the Cologne Dom! I climbed that baby, my second Cathedral tower in Europe actually. It is no wonder how the Europeans stay fit, even when they go on trips, they go and see really old buildings with tons of stairs!
Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Bundes Republik Deutschland! He was also the Mayor of Cologne for many years, leading up to the Nazi Regime.
A picture of the Deutsche Welle building. It is one of the main news channels, much like CNN in Germany. We visited in nearby Bonn.
The bells of the Cologne Dom!
The last standing Amerika Haus in Germany. The US had built many of these throughout Germany following WWII. It was a reading room, letting Germans read books in English etc., as many libraries were destroyed at the time. It also sponsored many events for Germans to come and learn more about the United States.
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