The Innocence Abroad

... observations of the International

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Comparing Schloss's

I've gotten to visit a couple of different castles in the past few weeks- one right before I left Radolfzell and then one here in Thüringen. Both were pretty ancient and some interesting histories. It is really something to be able to visit history that is so old. It is not something that one gets in the States too often, if at all. I think it also gives a little insight on how Europeans are. They are an old society and they have everyday reminders that they are not the first or the last to come. In some ways it gives them a more realistic view on what is important for the environment and social institutions. Americans tend to be more focused if something is line with some morality or ideology. It is only a small difference but might affect things greatly.
The first castle I got to visit is called Hohentwiel in Singen. That is a few Kilometers away from Radolfzell and is on top of an ancient (and inactive) volcano. Me and a a friend from the program decided to climb this old hill and see the old fortifications that had been there from 1200 years!
This is me on the way to the schloss. As you can see it is pretty high up there.

This is how far we made it with our bikes before we decided that on foot was the best way to do it. A very steep hill

The view from up there...


So we made it to the top and there is a cafe- I ddidn't exactly feel like a coffee after that, but okay...

So once we got to walk around, it was an amazing place with pretty amzing views of the town. The ruins were very impressive. The fort had been in existence and functioning up till the end of the 1700s. Amazing.

This is my Hamlet pose, contemplating "being" or just thinking about how cool it is that Knights were walking around here at one point.

This is deep in a dark dungeon of Hohentwiel. With one stream of light, I figured we could have a really cool picture on our hands, so Brad struck a dramatic pose. He's praying to get out of the dungeon one.....
(Unfortunately, it still came out a little blurry. But it was a worthy effort.)


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