I thought this would make for an interesting post for everyone- since American politics is still more important for everyone. I have been floating this idea for a while now. I sent it to Howard Dean when he became chairman back in February. Anyway- maybe you might have some ideas to add to it or comments. Anyway I also thought it was interesting in the wake of Katrina that my beloved Democrats would start to find another way to flesh out a national security that would not have to outdo Republicans on who fights better wars. Sure sometimes that protects the coutnry but that is not all of it. So I had a few ideas- like national mobilization of all American resources to respond to all national security crises- like Katrina or 9/11 that would involve us, the average citizen, rather than letting us watch in horror and demanding action from our political leaders. Anyway I spell my ideas out a little bit in this letter.
Chairman Dean,
You should let the debate begin about how the Democrats should clearly lay out their party principles. There should be a document or resolution that spells out for every Democrat what it means to be a Democrat. It should be a document that reconciles the party's very beginnings with Jefferson and Jackson with its more modern champions, such as FDR and Kennedy.
You should propose the a new set of principles in which you can incorporate all Democratic policies around. They can be the 4 pillars of a Democratic Society. 1. A strong American Democracy is a continuing experiment. Democrats should take up the Democracy reform mantle and work to ensure that elections are clean through public financing, everyone's voice is heard, and that the marketplace of ideas is not controlled by two groups 2. America is an Egalitarian society with equal opportunity. The question that Democrats should ask is not "are these people as equal as the rest of us?" but rather "are all people equal?"
A true democrat does not make distinctions between people based on gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. We recognize our differences but we accept each difference as equal. Every newborn American should start with a clean slate for them to achieve and should be provided with every opportunity to do so. This would emphasize the importance of good education and economic opportunity for urban and rural poor. There is an permanent underclass of every color. 3. American foreign policy should reflect its democratic character. America should be a leader of nations, but only because it leads democratically. We lead because the U.S. creates an understanding of the problem and challenge and gathers the powers to address them. It should not have a predetermined conclusion that nations can either sign up for or be ignored. A good liberal democratic foreign policy will work towards creative and innovative ideas to answer the challenge of terrorism.
Finally, the 4th pillar of the Democratic Party should create a national security policy that mobilizes our national resources to answer the threats to our country. John Kerry saw that our problems would only continue if our country remained dependent on the middle eastern oil. Our challenges should be times of progress and advancement in society, science, and democracy. A nation must feel a responsibility to the threats that face it. The best way to create a new generation of leaders is to create a new sense of importance, a defining issue. Peace is this generation's challenge. How should our coutnry find eventual peace when our enemies are so vague? How do we counter terrorism? I beleieve that a new compact for Democrats will create a new vision for the Democrats. One that can be looked to whenever our criticisms are countered with questions about our own positions. I hope that would find this worthwhile and will consider proposing something similar as a way to create unity in the party by sounding out each wing's ideas and settle the disputes once and for all. Thanks and good luck.
Andrew Barnes
Well as you can see the 4th pillar was alittle vague- but my idea was to organize our citizens and communities to repsond to disasters and threats. One example would be WWII and its air marshall and air raid drills or numerous other iniatives here in America- did we need it? Sometimes no (I mean no German bomber got even closer to us), but most of the time it was important. It allowed americans to share the burden of our challenge. Wouldn't it be nice that a community organizer near you was organizing some sort of drive that would provide for those devastated New Orleans or Mississippi?
The third pillar also was something that I have thought further about- what it also means for me is the importance of regimes in the international system- meaning widespread agreements between nations that create pattern of behavior that is predictable and creates certainty and security. Basically If you know what your neighbor is going to do, like Canada- you aren't afraid of them and the feelings of war are not present and agreements can be worked out. With Bush, he destabilizes the international system because he creates destabilizing influences by attacking nations that do not truly threaten us. And creates angst with nations like Iran and North Korea who are threats to us. Of course you could argue that we proved that America means what it says by attacking- but that it undermined UN and the idea that solutions could come without being fought. That debate could go on forever- but the fact is that the consequence was disastrous and has not made the world safer. So basically- the 3rd pillar is the only truly international pillar, while the others are primarily domestic. I say that because national security is a domestic issue, while foreign policy is international security- but indirectly domestic.
The second pillar is pretty basic and can explain just about every position that the Democratic party takes in terms of domestic policy- from education (as I mentioned in the letter), economic opportunities for underprivileged, small business, big business, obviously health care-having health insurance for everyone would do wonders for so many things, even environment, civil rights (which I call for a rephrasing of our how we approach the issue- it would help to end identity politics which has killed democrats rhetorically), abortion- which afterall is the opportunity for the woman to be able to function in society as an equal to a man.
My first pillar should be highest priority- but that is just my personal opinion. It would really be an affirmation of the party's liberal principles and show that Democrats put American democracy first and are willing to make sure it remains healthy strong and something for Americans to be proud of, for everyone not only elites. Any questions?